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Wizardries the purpose of which is specifically to keep a creature or object from doing something. In the case of non-sentients, this normally means preventing the object from doing something it was designed to do: in the case of sentients, it means preventing the being from doing something he, she or it wants to do, or would do in the normal course of events.

These spells typically become more difficult depending on how single-purpose the object's design is, or how intent the being is on carrying out the given activity. They routinely cost far more energy than the most-preferred forms of wizardry, which involve persuasion rather than force.

Bindings differ most markedly from geasa in that a geas is normally a positive injunction ("you shall do such-and-such") rather than a negative one ("You are forbidden to do such-and-such"). However, these are only general distinctions: as usual, there are exceptions to both rules. (SYWTBAW et seq.)

See also: Spells, Bindings and Geasa: An Introduction.