Ground rules

From EWImport
Revision as of 09:37, 20 March 2005 by newimport>DianeDuane
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I know that the basic nature of a wiki is to be collaborative, and to encourage give-and-take. This one, though, isn't going to be run that way -- at least as regards the entries themselves. (Another wiki, which I'll be starting up over at in the near future, will be run more along collaborative lines.)

All pages containing Concordance entries will be locked so that only I can edit them. Registered wiki users will of course be able to comment on entries in each entry's "discussion" section. They'll also be able to create their own pages about an entry's content: I'll have a look at these on a regular basis to see what kind of action they seem to require -- an alteration of old content, addition of new content, whatever.

Be warned, though. Vandalism can become something of a problem in the wiki environment. While I encourage people to have fun with the material I'm sharing here, anybody who gets scurrilous, obstreperous or obscene in this space will be chucked straight out and have their IP banned. So play nice.

We'll be opening up user registrations during the third week in March. Thanks for your patience while we've been getting things running.

--Diane Duane 04:37, 20 Mar 2005 (EST)