Gazetteer, Plane

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In normal Earthly usage, a gazetteer is a sort of cross between an atlas and an almanac, listing the names and locations of geographical features, and general statistics about populations and so forth. In wizardly usage, though, the term normally means only one thing, the Plane Gazetteer.

This resource is an unbundled section of the Wizard's Manual, and is widely used by many species across the known universe, whether wizards or not. Species involved in intracontinual travel find the Gazetteer an invaluable resource, as it describes the locations and details of star systems inside our own universe, and (on the macro scale) the hyperspatial "locations" and qualities of other universes and the worlds within them.

The Gazetteer gives live and constantly updated information on conditions on other planets -- everything from politics to the weather -- and detailed info on the species living and working there.

The Gazetteer does not include material or assessments in the ethical, temporal or eschatological modes; such material is reserved to manual users.

(See also Manual functions, unbundled: Grimoires.