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The act of turning oneself into a frog: also (less frequently) the wizardry used to return oneself to one's normal shape afterwards.

Batracholepsy does not have to satisfy the same kind of ethical requirements as batrachotropsy: if the wizard feels the need to turn into a frog (within reason), the Troptic Stipulation of the Wizard's Oath does not pertain. (However, if the wizard finds himself or herself doing this too often without good reason, he or she should probably consult their local Advisory or seek other appropriate professional assistance.)

That said, "frogging it" has for many years had a certain underground acceptance in various human wizardly circles (mostly Western-based or European-rooted ones) as a challenge, practical joke, or sight gag, and also (probably most widely) as one of the traditional "moves" in a shapechanging duel. There has been considerable discussion of why the sentence "I'm going to turn you into a..." seems to want so much to end in the word "frog". So far the discussions haven't cast much light on the subject, and the Powers That Be have been notably silent as regards this issue.

It's generally thought wiser not to do the genuine "full" batrachic change in the presence of creatures which normally eat frogs.

See also: Amphibia: Games wizards play: Mochteroof: Shapechange, virtual: Shapechange, true: Transformation.