FSR 1767

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(Also known as 2MASS-GC04) A globular cluster associated with the Milky Way galaxy: primarily of interest for being one of the closest globulars to Earth, if not the closest, at a distance of approximately 4900 light years, and about 18,600 light years from the Galactic center. It can be viewed from Earth at right ascension 17h 35m 43s, declination -36° 21m 28s, in the constellation Scorpius. FSR 1767 is fairly low in mass as globular clusters go, and is about 6.7 light years in diameter.

The Deleia star system is located at the fringe of this cluster; Dairine passes hurriedly through it as she flees from the Crossings at Rirhath B after being attacked there by a pack of Satrachi. (HW)