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The entry to or exit from a universe's timestream by creatures or entities not native to it. Such entries / exits are assumed to be from a more senior reality, or a universe with a greater number of timespace dimensions than the one being entered or exited.

Supradimensional entities like the Powers that Be routinely pass through our timespace by way of paratemporal insertions, so that they can spend (or seem to spend) hours, days or years here, while always able to return to their own timespace in the equivalent of a few seconds or minutes. To them, the "locked-in" time and space of a given universe is like just one more of many rooms in a house. They can walk into it and out of it again at will, and (if it has numerous doors) can enter it by one door and leave it by another as many times as they like.

(This description is admittedly something of an oversimplification. Fully and accurately describing the flow of time in a senior dimension, or the way such timeflows interact / interrelate with their versions of physical space, is tough enough for physicists, and nearly impossible in plain English.)

It's the paradimensional insertion factor that make it possible (for example) for the Lone Power to seem both inimical and redeemed at the same time -- or for the Michael Power to be both resident in the Senior Realms and at the same time living in a cage on Earth in the shape of a macaw. The apparent contradictions or conflicts in continuity are simply due to our inability to readily perceive what's going on outside our own local timestream. (SYWTBAW et al)