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The bears at Osborn Gate in Central Park

In SYWTBAW, in the midst of the description of the many statues given the semblance of life by Kit's use of the Mason's Word, some "bears" are mentioned. These are almost certainly the bears that stand atop the southernmost of the pedestals flanking the gate of the William Church Osborn Memorial Playground at Fifth Avenue and 85th Street.

The bears are small bronze figures cast in 1955 by the noted artist and sculptor Paul Manship, who was also responsible for the statue of Prometheus in Rockefeller Center. The statues' pedestals were designed around the same time by architect Aymar Embury II. A newer and less weathered cast of the sculpture can be viewed at the Met's website and at the arts and travel website Insecula. (SYWTBAW)

(See also: Deer.)