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A pinching or obstruction in some structure or medium through which another medium is normally meant to pass or flow freely. In wizardly usage, a constriction -- normally artificial, but occasionally natural -- in the structure of space, or (in the case of temporospatial claudications) of spacetime.

The most frequent casual usage for the term describes a small, "pinched-off" volume of space. Since space is already amenable to this kind of pinching (a much gentler version of which manifests itself as gravity), many wizards use one of these to keep personal belongings in. A claudication can be "hooked to" or associated with a specific mass -- usually the wizard's own body -- so that it permanently follows the wizard around and is always within reach.

It is normally unwise to take such a claudication through a worldgate without first securing it against eversion. This takes sufficient energy that most wizards choose to deactivate personal claudications before transiting, and recommission them later. (SYWTBAW et seq.)

(See also: Otherspace pocket; Spatial structure and restructure; Temporospatial claudication.)