Ke Seriv, Nelaid

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(Full version of his name: Nelaid ke Seriv am Teliuyve am Meseph am Veliz am Teriaunst am Antev det Nuiiliat.) Sunlord of Wellakh until the events of WH, when his son Roshaun succeeds him to the responsibility. Husband of the lady Miril am Miril dev il Nuiiliat.

A Wellakhit in late middle life, Nelaid is tall by human standards, probably close to seven feet -- a slender red-haired man, green-eyed, described as having a "thoughtful and dangerous" face. Before the events of WAW, he survived a number of politically-motivated attempts on his life before resigning the post and passing on the Sunstone and the authority of the office of Sunlord to his son. During WAW he meets with Roshaun and temporarily once more takes up the Sunwatch for the duration of the dark matter crisis. (WH, WAW)