Refrigerator Door

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Interested in suggesting a Concordance entry?

Before our upgrade, this was the place to do that. Now, however, main-page editing by users besides myself has been locked down for legal reasons, and for the time being, discussions and suggestions will need to take place on the Talk page (click on the "Discussion" tab above) until we add some new features to the wiki. One of these will be ErrantryWiki's own discussion area, where members will be able to link forum postings directly to wiki entries for ease of reference.

Items on this page that have not yet been dealt with will have "stub" / placeholder pages dedicated to them for future attention: when that task is complete, this page will be decommissioned, to be replaced by an entire forum area.

Meantime, as before, items that are struck through have either been done, or the poster has removed them.

--DianeDuane 11:48, 23 Apr 2008 (EST)

Dai stiho! I would like to request articles on:

1. beam-me-up-Scotty spell (Nita and Kit's)

2. Ponch

3. Yaldiv

4. The Rodriguez's TV

5. Nita's Charm Bracelet

6. The Callahan's family computer that Dairine designed

7. Memeki

8. Nita's mom's career with Denver Opera Ballet

9. The little cancer viruses in the pools and water in Nita's mom's universe.

10. Carmela's egg beater/hot curler/special order machine thing that she ordered off the TV

11. It would be cool to have a sort of Manual replica on the website. It would include all of the features that a Manual had. I know that's a lot to ask for though. LOL

12. Different forms of the Manual

13, Prices of wizardry

14. The planet with grass reen sky and sky blue grass that Dairine finds

15. GIGO and Dairine's aliens

16. Chao

17. Wizardly cultural exchange program

18. "blue Food"

19. Kit and Ponch's universe's

20. Kit's flower from Pnch's universe

21. A world's CHOICE

22. The man who Dairine meets at the Crossings when being chased by BEMs.

23. Beacon in the crater on Mars

24. Ronan

25. Wizardly pup tents

26. Mr. Millman (Sp?)

PS: I HAVE REVISED MY USER PAGE!!--Balletwiz 22:10, 4 Jun 2007 (EDT) Oh, and feel free to drop me a message on my discussion page!! _____________________________________________________________________

(N.B.: The following was written in response to a previous iteration of Balletwiz's suggestions.)
Er... Are you having difficulty using the search feature? (It's in the left-hand "menu bar," in case you haven't noticed it.) Because the entries for Spot, Rirhath B, and the Binding Oath come right up when I search for them. In addition, there is some information on personal worldgates (and the beam-me-up-Scotty spell is presumably one of these, though it's been a while since I've read the relevant books) in the Worldgate entry. For that matter, there is an entry for the Speech (albeit without any content at present), so we know that DD is going to get around to it eventually, as she must. However, it is also likely to be in strong contention for the most complex entry, even more than that for the Manual, and DD probably just hasn't had time to do it justice. Thus, while you can request that DD work on it, it probably doesn't do to ask her to rush things. (Indeed, there are certainly any number of items that I would be interested in finding out more about, including ones that are currently just inoperable links, such as Wizardry and music, which is, at the moment, merely a reference in Urruah's entry. Nevertheless, I am more than willing to wait patiently for DD to get around to them—I had even refrained from mentioning my interest in this particular entry on the Refrigerator Door until now, and shall remain content with its oblique mention here.)
I must also remark that the Refrigerator Door is in desperate need of a good clean-up, as it's well-nigh unreadable in places, and there is plenty of repetition of certain requests (as well as some that have been fulfilled and aren't linked to or struck through). For instance, Spot, who only received an entry very recently, was requested a good many times, and all of these requests still appear to be active. However, cleaning it up would seemingly be a major task, and not one for which I (or presumably any of the other members) have the time. —Nathan 17:59, 8 May 2007 (EDT)
I had some free time on my hands tonight, so I revamped my list of suggestions, which can be found here. [[User:Janeway216| -- janeway216]] 00:32, 25 May 2007 (EDT)
First, many (belated) thanks to you and Moeen for rescuing my comment (twice!). And kudos for the excellent job distilling the list of suggestions. It's an invaluable resource and should probably be advertised far more prominently on this page than just the above comment, though such prominent advertisement would warrant a major enough revision to the page, by its very nature, that it may best be left up to DD.
A few comments on Balletwiz's revised list of suggestions:
Nita's charm bracelet is mentioned in the entry on charms, and will presumably be dealt with in extenso in the charm bracelet entry linked from there. (For future reference, in any case where there's a preexisting link to a currently nonexistent entry you are interested in and would like to nominate for speedy addition, it's probably best to provide a link to the putative page, as that will then put the desired page on the most wanted pages list, or bump it up if it's already on there. The reason for doing this is that DD may very well consult that list, given that she's included a link to it on the main page.)
The Callahan's family computer is dealt with (somewhat cursorily) in the Apple IIIc+ entry—if you desire more information than is given there, you should probably make a note on that entry's talk page. For that matter, the Rodriguez's TV makes an appearance in Carmela's entry, as would be expected, though you're presumably looking for something more in depth. —Nathan 16:45, 3 Jun 2007 (EDT)



Suggestion: entry for Spot, Dairine Callahan's (sentient?) computer and manual.

Can I make a suggestion? I can't find either Ponch or Carmela on the main listing of pages. Would they have their own pages? Could they also be classed as adjuncts? --Jilumasam 18:22, 27 Mar 2005 (EST)

Suggestions From SYWTBAW

From DW

  • Who was Nita's favorite uncle, the one who died?

--Anna N

  • The SPEECH, a nice, welcoming addition, if added. (Speech, The)
  • How about changing the Apple at the upper left corner, the icon to something more 3D?

-- Wizardswand

Yes, i would greatlty desire more information on the Speech; if you havent quite worked out the syntax of the words or generated a short lexicon sampling for the language, i may be of some help. in my faith, our Elders speak of 'The Old Tounge' that was spoken by every entity in ancient times. often, they are heard conversing in this language, and one can not help but to become lost in its beauty. -- White Owl

If you could add a dictionary of symbols in the speech that would be nice--NitaCallahan 17:06, 7 Jul 2006 (EDT)BridgetC.

I've got a few.

  • The Book Which Is Not Named
  • The various whale-wizards cast as the Lords of the Humors in the Song of the Twelve
  • Dai stihó
  • Machu Picchu! (Aw. Love for the Peach.)
  • The Stationmaster of the Crossings See Stationmaster
  • (and one from left field) The human male Dairine meets in the bar in the Crossings. (What can I say. I'm a sucker for minutiae. ;-) ) See Man In The Bar, the

-- (janeway216 04:07, 25 Mar 2005 (EST))

How about these?

  • The beacon in the crater on Mars that Dairene finds
  • Shaun O'Driscoll
  • Ronan Nolan Jr.
  • Ronan Nolan Sr.
 Afallone or Atlantis  Afallonë | Atlantis

--Alisdair 18:57, 25 Apr 2005 (EDT) Alisdair 16:59, 25 Mar 2005 (EST)

These would be nice:

  • worldwalls
  • Nita's fridge
  • Miguel see Miguel
  • the Wizard's internet
  • grenfelzing/emmfozing

Emiwai 22:04, 25 Mar 2005 (EST)

Some suggestions:

  • the "Choice" of a World (when they accept death)
  • "Sketch" Universes (HW, the one the Powers live in)
  • Wizard Status/Levels (ex: Journeymen, Senior)
  • A Feline Wizard's "Tenth" Life
  • the Great Death

Ariel k 25 Mar 2005

  • Gigo and the other "turtle like" creatures that Dairene meets
  • a world's Kernel
  • Manipulating a Kernel
  • The Lesser Death

note: i like the world's Kernal idea~vampiresoul6 Alisdair 13:08, 26 Mar 2005 (EST)

From A Wizard Abroad

-Anna N. 08:32, 27 Mar 2005 (EST)

  • Psychotropic Spelling
  • Huictilopochtli, Lafayette City and New Washington to go with Hrafnkell
  • The Horseman's Word and the Mason's Word see Master-words, Mason's_Word,_the
  • Any of the nonhuman restroom options available at The Crossings
  • a wizard's holiday (the phrase, not the book)
  • ur-matter

Gfish 30 Mar 2005

  • A timeline (with when the important events that happen in this timescale happened)

-Melissa 2 April 2005

The eggbeater with pulse lasers built it. *evil grin*

--Gigo 02:38, 6 Apr 2005 (EDT)

  • Kit and Ponch's created Universes
  • Asthetic Continuae (I don't think I spelled that right)

-Sunstar 07:00, 6 April 2005 (EDT)

I think it would help if there were entries on timeslides, the fabric of spacetime and other things like that. It would clarify things for people who haven't studied physics yet!--Dsmaer 23:16, 6 Apr 2005 (EDT

The info about the feline wizards need fleshing out too. They are the pages I think are most deserving of images. I can't picture them at all! --Emiwai 16:35, 17 Apr 2005 (EDT)

  • Irina

Just a thought, don't think it's anywhere... ----Tui 21:01, 17 Apr 2005 (EDT)

the other whales in the song of the twelve--Heather 09:36, 23 Apr 2005 (EDT)

  • Ronan

--Melissa20:04, 24 Apr 2005 (MDT)

  • How wizardry is passed down in families - i.e. why Nita's dad doesn't have wizardry, but Nita, Dairine, and Aunt Annie do, what Tom & Carl mean when they say wizardry sometimes skips a generation

--Gwaihiril 23:40, 28 Apr 2005 (EDT)

I thought they were already listed here, but:

and the antonym to sevarfrith astahfrith -- thanks!

--Peter Murray 10:57, 14 May 2005 (EDT)


--Iyanda 17:13, 23 May 2005 (EDT)


  • Flash
  • Alaalu
  • Quelt

--Heather 19:26, 24 May 2005 (EDT)

Okay, What about Nita's parents? They do a lot, especialy Nita's mom. Also, I believe in the third book it was mentioned that the first mayor of New York was related to Nita and he was a wizard. (Thanks Pops for helping me!) --Nitafan211 14:19, 26 May 2005 (EDT)


  • Information on the homeworlds of Roshaun, Sker'et, and Filif from WH.
  • Information on the extra capabilities of the Wizard's Manual. (For example, Nita's Manual has inter-manual communication abilities and spell equation areas. Are there others?)
  • What other races and kinds of humans, both on Earth and outside of Earth, call their Manual.
  • What the gender term is of various "inanimate" objects.
  • How outside technology can be affected by nearby wizardry. (Kit's sulky entertainment system from WH, for example)

--Ada Libris 21:05, 5 Jun 2005 (EDT) ---

  • (Just remembered) Tualha, cat-bard from AWAB
  • Cat hierarchial system (Queen of the Cats, etc.) if applicable.
  • Information on the training universes from A Wizard's Dilemma.

--Ada Libris 14:10, 6 Jun 2005 (EDT)

How about the Glede that Kit found. Other versions of the manual. ---Smrtkid

The Galactic Arm Coordinator who sanctioned the wizardry by Dairine &c in WH. --Peter Murray 17:33, 12 Jun 2005 (EDT)

I would really love to have more info on the Battle of the Trees SYWTBAW and luised and what's the power rating on Nita when she first starts. The one in WH is:

RL +4.5 +/- o.15

---Spot4.0 20:58, 20 Dec 2005 (EST)spot 4.0

nitpick: You were right the first time, that's her rating in High Wizardry, the first book which gives Nita a rating --Peter Murray 15:42, 11 Oct 2006 (EDT)

I would LOVE an entry on Chao, the Transcendent Pig! An entry on how wizard's pets become rather strange over time would also be welcome.

  • Second the notion. I couldn't do one here, so I wrote this in Wikipedia. --Emiwai 19:15, 19 Jun 2005 (EDT)

How about a page about Rhiow, and his crew and one about how the the Eye works (the power that Arhu has)

-Rhiow(no not the real one, just a fan)

  • brainburn (just for the record) mentioned in p.27 of DW, Harcourt Edition Done, thanks! See Brainburn.
  • Reconfiguration from HW
  • the Sidhe from AWAB
  • Ith from TBONWM see Ith
  • the Ravens from OHMWS/TVTQ
  • Robert Anson Harmon from UL

that's all for now --Moeen 19:59, 27 Jul 2005 (EDT)

  • Sideling from the Feline Seguance
  • Hyperstrings(it inclues sideling)

Hyperstrings is metioned, but maybe an indepth page?

--Rhi 19:49, 2 Sep 2005 (EDT)

Rhi again:P


(there is a link to that page, BUT THERE'S NOTHING ON IT!!!!!)

--Rhi 21:46, 7 Sep 2005 (EDT)

The link on the "Apple Without A Bite, the" page to the old vershon of the Apple logo is broken. I hope this is the right place to put this.

--Ratouth 19:00, 9 Sep 2005 (EDT)

I feel like I'm over loading....

McAllister, Darryl Callahan, Dairine(DIDN'T I AREADY SAY THAT!!!!???!?!?!) Manual Software(A STUB!!!) Fred Ed(unless there is aready a page...but I haven't checked yet)

They're all stubs so.............. maybe .....ya......(They're pretty important right?????)

[an edit of an edit] --Rhi 19:54, 9 Sep 2005 (EDT)

Do the characters from Wizards on Call count? I've restricted this list to those introduced in DD's sections:

Plus lots of new characters from WAW, but I suppose it's too early to give a spoiler list of them, even just as names. --Peter Murray 20:51, 20 Sep 2005 (EDT)

--Kohaku 14:14, 25 Sep 2005 (EDT)

In SYWTBAW the World Trade Center towers were mentioned as Nita and Kit could see them from their train car as they approached Manhattan. Were the towers destroyed in the Wizardry universe, and if so, why weren't the local Wizards able to prevent it?

SYWTBAW was published in 1983, just thought you should know.

--Rhi 20:31, 20 Oct 2005 (EDT)

The Towers were (probably) destroyed, as Nita mentions. Page 24, WAW --Emiwai 18:49, 29 Jan 2006 (EST)

I think it would be cool if you could add a "copy" of the manual to this site. Just a thought. Youngwizardkit--Youngwizardkit 23:56, 4 Oct 2005 (EDT)

I think there should be more information on Roshaun, his family, and Wellakh. Also, a pronounciation guide would be great.--MTree 15:16, 12 Dec 2005 (EST)Mtree

Almost forgot: we need an entry on Memeki! She's a new character, I know, but she's cool!--MTree 15:21, 12 Dec 2005 (EST)MTree

I would love anything on cat's nine lives; how they go through their lives and how much physical, personality and self similarity travels with them through their lives. --Sh'heih 17:50, 18 Dec 2005 (EST)

I want the Battle of the Trees to have an actual story or reference about it. --Spot4.0 20:49, 20 Dec 2005 (EST)

Methinks this page should be compiled together, as hard as that may be. That way, it just becomes a list, without the endless...repeats et al.

Here's a topic: Fred. --Talonkarrde 12:21, 8 Jan 2006 (EST)

--- An explanation of the Peridexis Effect would be nice. I think I understand what it was. o_O -- --Chibiferretgod 16:19, 17 Jan 2006 (EST)

I have a couple suggestions from WAW:

  • The Hesper
  • The Pullulus
  • "Callahan's Unfavorable Instigation"
  • Maybe some info about Mochteroofs

And I agree with Chibiferretgod, there should be a page about the Peridexis Effect. --Rycr 22:27, 19 Jan 2006 (EST)

How about a Park Avenue Tower (from the alternate New York) article? --Gecko1

I see the Heinlein-analog hasn't been added yet -- any chance of filling in how he relates to the current timeline? Will Kit and Nita see something in the paper soon and go "oh, so that's what he's been up to"? :-) --SarekOfVulcan 21:40, 13 Mar 2006 (EST)

Okay, we really need a page about Nita. I mean, she's like, a main character and she doesn't even have a page. That's just sad. --Xmas 22:45, 21 Mar 2006 (EST)

The otherspace pocket? Or has that been done? I can't find it... --Danielle

I just realised there's nothing about either:

  • The Playroom
  • aschetic continuum (sp?)(or whatever it was called :p)

--A Traveller with Magic 00:12, 27 Apr 2006 (EDT)

  • How about the Silence? Darryl's version of the manual.*

--Katie Oh yeah. WHAT ABOUT PONCH?!? He needs a page too. (he's my favorite character)

  • Information on the Moonbook Project
Are you looking for more than is available in the CATNYP entry? (Also, you might want to consider combining your two lists of suggestions, particularly considering their redundancies.) —Nathan 22:12, 26 May 2006 (EDT)
  • Dictionary/Pronunciation Guide/Glossary of The Speech, Ailurin, and other notable languages
  • Also the stuff listed on my user page.

--Istarian 11:44, 26 May 2006 (EDT)

I've done some research and found that everywhere I look, websites and the published books, the Wizard's Oath isn't complete or exact. I don't find this strange, but I am rather interested as to the parts that are missing. And for those that have taken the incomplete oath and find it doesn't work, that's probably why. If anyone has any clues or leads for me, please contact me. --Aja321 20:10, 22 Jun 2006 (EDT) Aja formally know an Azalin.

-I'm interested in what happens if one loses their wizardry. We got a hint of it from what happened to Tom in WAW, but beyond that, how does their memory of it work? Would a former wizard just not remember it at all or only remember it as a game, like Tom? And would they remember the people they met as a consequence of being a wizard? -Also, foxes or the fox that Nita talked to in AWAB.--DeathMountain 10:32, 21 Jul 2006 (EDT)

On the Lone Power entry, a list of all its many many names should be added. --Asadi 14:59, 9 Aug 2006 (EDT)

You've got a wonderful section on China; how about Japanese wizards through the ages? Abe no Seimei, the famous 9th-century onmyouji, would probably qualify -- he was supposedly good at divination and binding spells, if the legends and the more recent manga/feature films are at all accurate. *grin* --FlyingRat 00:45, 18 Aug 2006 (EDT)

--- There's nothing on the Peredexis effect! o_o Then again, that's a tall order. --Chibiferretgod 22:19, 3 Oct 2006 (EDT) --- How about a dictionary of spells? Maybe it could be like the Manual, with user submitting spells. Also, what about something about the legends behind the stuff in the books? (esp. the 4th one)

-- Ytre

I notice that there's no entry about Spot. There really should be one, Spot rules. --Roreck the advisor 18:38, 25 Dec 2006 (EST)

I would love to know more of the speech, a short dictionary of common words would be delightful! Also please include "grenfelzing" in this dictionary. thank you! -Fifil the sentient tree P.S. more on my namesake's planet would be great! --Fifil the sentient tree 14:36, 25 Mar 2007 (EDT)

Removed from another page:

You can add any word here you think needs some explaining, like, to pronounce. Just try to keep them in remote alphabetical order. Any spelling errors you find, please correct them! Thanks~

  • Dai-
  • Dai'stiho-
  • S'reee- ss-ree
  • Errantry- eh-ran-tree

(Pronunciation issues should be handled on the pages of the words in question. I'll take care of this.)

I would love an article with a few common words in the speech besides the ones already in the books like "Dai Stiho". I would especially like to kow what "grenfelzing" is. Also a few entries fron the manual that are not in the book would be very nice --Filif the Sentient Tree 14:50, 25 Mar 2007 (EDT) P.S. More about Filif's Planet would be awesome!

An entry on Chocolate and it's values/uses off Earth (For all the chocoholics out there) --Drthmik 09:27, 29 Mar 2007 (EDT)

Concordance Entry Suggestions ~Istarian

  • An entry(ies) on the things listed on my user page
  • Meanings of referenced things in the book
  • What the heck the note in the back of TBONWM is supposed to mean by the Moonbook project

I guess that's it for now

--Istarian 11:46, 26 May 2006 (EDT)

--Roreck the advisor 11:22, 4 Jul 2006 (EDT)

For the reasons detailed here, I have recently become quite interested in:

  • Davidson's Minor Enthalpy
  • McKillip's Stricture

(both from SYWTBAW).

I also suggested a number of topics early on by e-mail, none of which have yet been addressed, or at least not addressed in extenso, so I'll mention them here, to let other people know what topics have been suggested. (My original suggestions of these topics went into considerably more depth than the brief versions I give here.)

  • DD and 'self-intertextuality'—i.e., the various portions of her other works DD has woven into—or at least alluded to in—the YW books (such as Hearnssen, H. W. from the Middle Kingdoms [the "Door into..." books]), particularly given her comment here.
  • Where exactly a wizard's power (in the physical sense) comes from. (While it is stated in canon that it comes from a wizard's personal energy supply, I have argued—in the 'Debts' thread in the SYWTBAW section of the forums—that the majority of a wizard's power must be provided in another fashion, based upon the moon travel scene in DW and the water boiling vignette in WAW, though I shall not reproduce the calculations here. This topic is dealt with tangentially in various Concordance entries, including Backlash and Brainburn, and the statements there seem to contradict some of those in canon. This issue will probably be dealt with in full in Wizardry, prices of, currently a stub.)
  • What a theoretical wizard's Ordeal is like. (This has been touched upon in Davidson, A. R., and such examples may be the best answer to this sort of question, given the highly individualized nature of the Ordeal.)
  • Isoparthenogenetic rotations (from TWD).

And here's a new suggestion, also from TWD:

  • Diazo-Riemannian timeslides

(while the timeslide entry is still in progress, this particular facet seems obscure enough to warrant a suggestion). —Nathan 00:21, 12 Jul 2006 (EDT)

Also, since the pronunciation of various YW names is a recurring topic of contention, you might consider recording your pronunciations of any whose pronunciation could possibly be in doubt and including them in the pertinent Concordance entries. (Of course, besides the obvious concerns about bandwidth and storage space, this still might do little to discourage the repeated questions in chat and the forums about certain names, most notably Dairine's. However, it would make it very easy to point people to your pronunciations.) —Nathan 16:31, 12 Jul 2006 (EDT)

I would like to know if the dolphin alien in the Star Trek: The Next Generation novel Dark Mirror by Diane Duane is a wizard - since he/she sang part of the opera used in Deep Wizardry and talked about it.--Kaekae 12:05, 13 Jul 2006 (EDT)

How about the Silence? Darryl's version of the manuel. Katie

Will DD ever be publishing a written version of the Speech on this site? Or possible a written version of the manuel?--Roreck the advisor 12:53, 2 Aug 2006 (EDT)

I am curious to know what Ponch refers to when he talks about the "Wolf that Ate the Moon"-- Erurainon 17:27, 27 Sept 2006 (EDT)

I'm guessing it refers to the giant wolf Fenrir/Fenris from Norse mythology. If I remember correctly the actual myth has him eating the sun rather than the moon, but hey, creative license.--Hogosha 21:10, 26 Jan 2007 (EST)

If I remember correctly, in one of the first few book, there is mention of an "Equestrian's Word". I figured that it was kinda like the Mason's Word. Icarus--Icarus 16:35, 20 Dec 2006 (EST)

It's in SYWTBAW, and described as getting the attention of any member of genus Equus. Still worth an entry, though --Peter Murray 17:22, 21 Dec 2006 (EST)

I think there should be a pronounciation section. Cuz I was just wondering how to pronounce "Dai". It looks like it's said "Day", but I guess it could also be pronounced "Die" --Ebillan 00:54, 21 Jan 2007 (EST)

It's pronounced "die stee-ho". You can hear Diane Duane pronounce it on the Wizcast. There's also a small pronunciation guide on the YW Board's "Books FAQ" thread.--Kli6 12:33, 21 Jan 2007 (EST)

How about an entry on the Fomori? Also, I would like to see something about Spot, Ponch, and the mobiles. --Magimorph 16:00, 21 Feb 2007 (EST)

What about some basic things on Nita and Dairine like age & power levels in each book?? also can you put more in on the clock

Multiple-Personas (Pont) These things sound really interesting, but I'm not sure if I fully understand the concept. Please elaborate on this subject.

I'd like to second the request for Callahan's Unfavorable Instigation, as it's been on the WizPod graphic for quite some time. --StarKruzr 14:24, 13 Aug 2007 (EDT)

Dai Stiho! I think it would be awesome if there was a to read more about fred.--easyto123 p.s.define gneaster.

I'd like to request a description of the 'hierarchy' (Advisory, Senior, Regional, etc) and who is holding that position at the current time in canon. I'd also like to second the request for an entry on Shaun O'Driscoll. --A Traveller with Magic 23:17, 28 Jan 2008 (EST)

i think that it would be really cool if there was a replica of the wizard manual. Also on there is a thing for the iphone that is where you can make a application(a kinda widget)that you could put on your iphone.What If you made one for the errantrywiki? one of the applications are the regular wikipedia so you could easily make one for the errantrywiki. Also i think it would be awesome to learn mor about advisory and senior wizards.--Jakatk135 18:30, 14 Mar 2008 (EDT)

More suggestions:

  • Moving "sideways", as in AWAB.
  • What structures sheaves (sheafs?) are organized into, what structures those are organized into, and so on, and how they're all related to Timeheart. Also a description of how universes are structured in a sheaf, assuming that it's anything more complicated than "beads on a string".
  • The catenary which supplies power to the Earth's worldgates.
  • I remember from the Feline Wizardry sequence The Book of Night with Moon that, separate from the issue of brainburn is one of "burn-in", that if a wizard repeats a single spell too often too quickly that it becomes harder and harder to cast (please correct me if I'm wrong).
  • The re-casting of a spell by saying only the last word of the spell, rather than repeating the entire spell (as done by Nita in AWAB).
  • "Complex states", as described in WH.

-- Khym Chanur 18:33, 23 April 2008 (UTC)

List of all requests

As I noticed the talk page has not been touched in two years, I'll put the list here in the hope it will be seen sooner. User:GofG/Refridgerator_Door. Note that it's probably flawed, as I only put up requests that were not crossed through. GofG 18:03, 14 Nov 2006 (EST)